Physical Therapist and Patient Story

Physical Therapist

A man goes to the PT and says to the PT: "It hurts when I press here" (pressing his side)" And when I press here" (pressing the other side) "And here" (his leg) "And here, here and here" (his other leg, and both arms) So the PT examined him all over and finally discovered what was wrong... "You've got a broken finger! … [Read more...]

How many red blood cells does an average person have?

Physical Therapy Fun Trivia It is approximately 5.4 million red blood cells per microliter* in a healthy adult male. For females, it is approximately 4.8 million per microliter. *One drop of blood is about 50 microliter. … [Read more...]

What are the largest white blood cells?

Physical Therapy Fun Trivia The largest WBCs are the monocytes. Once they migrate into tissues, they enlarge to become macrophages. This makes them even more bigger. … [Read more...]

What are the most numerous white blood cells (WBCs)?

White blood cell - physical therapy

Physical Therapy Fun Trivia They are the neutrophils. They are also the first WBCs to arrive at a site of infection. Since they are more numerous, they can be considered as the most common WBCs. … [Read more...]